Jack Roberts Memorial Scholarship Application
Funding the Education of Artists!
The Redstone Art Foundation has expanded the eligibility criteria for the Jack Roberts Memorial Scholarship!
Now scholarships are available to university/college students enrolled in art courses as well as community members interested in taking non-academic classes and workshops in the field of art.
We have revised the application form for the high school scholarships and also created a new application for the university/college and community scholarships. Priority for community scholarships will be given to Redstone Art Foundation members.
High School Students
The Jack Roberts Memorial Scholarship will be presented by the Redstone Art Foundation to an outstanding art student(s) attending high school in the Roaring Fork Valley. The scholarship will be awarded to the art student(s) in the senior class who best demonstrates the talent and desire to pursue art studies after graduation.
Senior students wishing to apply for this award must complete and return an application form found below or to the head of your school’s art department no later than the first Friday in May of each year.
You must be accepted at a college, university, art school, or an approved art education course by the second semester of the next school year.
You must plan to major or minor in the field of art.
If possible, make arrangements to exhibit one piece of your work at the Redstone Art Foundation Labor Day Art Show along with a short biographical statement and your photo. The piece will be for display only and not sold.
You are required to submit an application form that includes the following:
A short essay on why you wish to study art to be submitted by email to info@redstoneartfoundation.org
The Scholarship Application Statement forms on this webpage or by PDF download.
If you are accepted as a scholarship winner it will be your responsibility to submit the name and contact information of the institution you will be attending to the Redstone Art Foundation. Funds will then be dispersed directly to the institution.
Community Scholarship
The Jack Roberts Memorial Scholarship will be presented by the Redstone Art Foundation to community members and university/college students interested in taking non-academic classes and workshops in the field of art.
Priority for these scholarships will be given to Redstone Art Foundation members.
Community Members wishing to apply for this award must complete and return an application form found below no later than the First Friday in December of each year.